Sermons on Acts
“The Last Disciple”
Pray first, before we choose or decide. Reading from the New Testament: Acts 1:12-26 Join us on Facebook LiveHartwood videos on Facebook Please click above to view directly. Everyone can click here for Online Giving. You can download a copy of the bulletin here:
“The Breath of the Holy Spirit”
The comforting presence of the Holy Spirit is still with us today
From Shepherd to King: David
Sermon Title: “From Shepherd to King: David” SERMON NOTES The Story “From Shepherd to King: David” 1 Samuel 17: 40-50 / Acts 2: 22-36 1. The Shepherd 2. The King 3. The Heart People can only see the outward appearance but God sees our heart
The Deception of Misplaced Trust
Sermon Title: “The Deception of a Misplaced Trust” – Trust in Jesus alone The Reading of the Old Testament: Jeremiah 7: 1-9 The Reading of the New Testament: Acts 2: 1-21