Past Events (Page 6)

Past Events (Page 6)

May 22, 2018

Summer Meals Committee, Mission & Outreach

Mission: To provide Sta ord Summer Junc on’s 3-6 year old “campers” with 4 days of breakfasts and lunches in take-home back packs, during the 2 Jul-2 Aug camp session. Sta ord Junc on is a faith-based nonpro t organiza on that serves high-need children, youth and their families residing in Sta ord County. HPC Summer Meals Initial Donation List REMEMBER TO CHECK ALL PRODUCTS AND ENSURE THEY DO NOT HAVE NUTS OR HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN A FACILITY THAT…
May 6, 2018

PW Birthday Celebration

We’re celebrating the Presbyterian Women’s 30th birthday with a fellowship time follow the service. Complete with a birthday cake! Everyone is encouraged to come and get some cake and other delicious goodies and celebrate!
May 5, 2018

PW Spring Gathering

The Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering will be held on Saturday, May 5th in Hopewell, VA. If anyone is interested in attending, please contact Nancy Chewning.